What to Do If Your Credit Report is Shown As Banned
When you get an online payday loan, it is important that you know what your rights are and what the companies are allowed to do with your credit report. Most people are completely unaware that they have any rights and that the bbb accredited payday loan consolidation companies can actually pull a credit report without them even knowing about it. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to do something with your credit, there are two things that you can do. You can dispute it in writing with each of the big accredited payday loan consolidation companies.
Why Borrowers Should Use Payday Loan Settlement Programs
If you are looking into getting this done through the bbb accredited payday loan consolidation companies, the first thing that you should do is send a email to them letting them know that you want to dispute the validity of your credit report. There are not many of these companies on the internet anymore but there are still a few. Make sure that you write them all that you have in a simple letter detailing the situation and why you think that your credit is not valid. Be as detailed as possible and don’t leave anything out.
The bbb accredited payday loan consolidation companies will then have to research your claim to see if it is valid. This could take a while depending on the amount of information that you have to provide them with. It might also make you feel more comfortable talking to someone face to face instead of just sending a mail or going through the internet. If you find yourself in this situation, I would recommend that you do so. It might just change your mind about whether or not you really want to do business with them.