Divorce and Adjusting Status After Marriage

Normally, when someone marries a US citizen, they file a petition for their spouse to help them immigrate (Form I-130). Once this is approved, the spouse files an application for permanent residence, or green card (Form I-485).

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However, the marriage-based green-card process does not always work out. Sometimes, the couple’s relationship fails and they decide to divorce or legally separate. This can have a big impact on the immigration process because, for most family-based adjusting status after marriage cases, you must still be in a qualifying relationship with your spouse when your case is adjudicated.

In the case of K-1 (fiance visa) holders, if you get divorced before your adjustment of status interview, your ability to continue the process will be in jeopardy since your nonimmigrant visa expires while your green card is pending. In fact, in a recent case before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, a K-1 visa holder divorced her U.S. Citizen husband before their adjustment of status interview, and she was not able to adjust her status because she no longer had a qualifying relationship with her husband.

For this reason, it is important to do everything you can to avoid a divorce or legal separation before your adjustment of status interview. This can include proving that your marriage is legitimate, such as photos, joint assets, communication channels, and more. Also, be sure to keep your USCIS filings up-to-date. USCIS officers are on the lookout for fraud and will closely scrutinize your case if you have an old or unadjudicated visa-based case.

Bankruptcy Lawyer – Why You Should Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney

bankruptcy lawyer riverside

A bankruptcy lawyer riverside can help you find relief from debt and start over. Financial difficulties occur at all levels of income and economic spectrums, and often result from unavoidable circumstances or personal spending indiscretions. A reputable Riverside bankruptcy attorney will help you determine your best options and assist you in filing the appropriate chapter of the bankruptcy code to meet your specific needs.

What Are Bankruptcy Attorney Fees?

Many Riverside bankruptcy attorneys offer free bankruptcy consultations to help you assess your financial situation and determine if bankruptcy is the right choice. This is a great way to avoid paying for services that you don’t need. It is also a good idea to seek multiple opinions and compare bankruptcy attorney fees before choosing one to represent you in your bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Lawyer Riverside: Guiding You Through the Path to Financial Recovery

The type of bankruptcy you file will depend on your unique financial circumstances and the conditions in your community. A bankruptcy trustee will take into account local factors, such as property values and policies, when considering your case. It is important to choose a Riverside bankruptcy lawyer with experience in the local court system, as they will know how trustees and judges will respond to specific details of your case.

Your bankruptcy filing will stop creditors’ collection efforts and give you the time to reorganize or discharge your debts. A bankruptcy trustee will take your nonexempt assets and sell them for cash to repay your creditors. This is known as liquidation bankruptcy. You may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which will allow you to receive a full discharge of your debts and keep your home, car, or other property.

Workers Compensation Attorneys – Charlotte, NC Law Firms

Workers compensation is a complicated area of law in which many different workers’ compensation attorneys are qualified and experienced. However, there are very few workers compensation attorneys Charlotte, NC who are devoted to personal injury cases and only a select few are. Why is this? Why would you want to hire workers compensation attorneys with such an exclusive list of clients and specialties? Are you being shortchanged by a workers compensation attorney who is more interested in how much he or she can make than in helping you get the settlement or verdict you deserve? Here are some of the answers to these questions for you: Read more

Workers Comp Lawyer – In Need of Attorneys?

A workers compensation attorneys Charlotte, NC area is dedicated to delivering the highest quality legal services to individuals injured or killed on the job. “We are a boutique North Carolina workers compensation law firm. When you’ve been hurt on the job, we can place our resources, skills, experience, and unalterable commitment to service to you, on the same level as you are to us. Contact us now for a free initial consultation to begin the process of making a claim for compensation.” ( Workers Compensation Attorneys of Charlotte, NC)

It is important when choosing a workers compensation attorney to review their track record. You should also look for testimonials and/or referrals from past clients. Make sure that the workers compensation law firm abides by all of the laws and regulations regarding workers compensation and that they have the necessary experience to be able to represent you in an accident case. The bottom line is, it is important that you, your family and your workers have a workers compensation lawyer that works in your best interest when you need one.

Personal Injury Attorneys in Omaha NE

Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys in Omaha NE handle most personal injury cases throughout the state of Nebraska. If you or someone you love has been injured due to the negligence of another party, then Omaha Personal Injury Attorneys is ready and willing to assist you. Personal injury is the field of civil law that determines the rights you legally have after suffering a personal injury caused by another person s reckless behavior. In Nebraska, these rights include the right on your own to monetary compensation for your pain, disfigurement, and other losses you have sustained as a result of another person’s negligence. Personal Injury Attorneys in Omaha NE can help you to receive your due rights by aggressively fighting for your rights in court. Find Out – demerathlawoffice.com/

The Role of Personal Injury Attorneys in Omaha NE

No one should ever have to experience what you have gone through when you were injured due to another driver’s negligence or other car accident related activities. No one deserves to be in this type of situation. When you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, then Personal Injury Attorneys in Omaha NE can help you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible. Even if you do not suffer a serious injury, a Personal Injury Attorney in Omaha NE can use the tools they have to get you the compensation you deserve from a company or organization responsible for your injuries. Not only will a skilled Personal Injury Attorney in Omaha NE bring you justice in court, but he will also help you heal from the emotional wounds caused by this situation. A Personal Injury Attorney in Omaha NE is committed to protecting you and your family.

If you or someone you love has been injured because of the negligence of another party, then Omaha Personal Injury Attorneys in Omaha is ready and willing to assist you. No one deserves to experience the nightmare of being injured because of someone else’s error or fault. It is time that you got the compensation you deserve after being hurt due to someone’s fault or negligence. Contact a skilled Personal Injury Attorney in Omaha NE today for more information about how you may be able to recover compensation.

An Immigration Lawyer Can Advise You on Your Visa Application

An experienced immigration lawyer can guide you throughout your visa application process when you arrive in the United States or during your application for green card. There are just so many laws, and each one has their own requirements and documents required. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to follow government rules and regulations while navigating a foreign language, not to mention trying to navigate confusing federal forms for you as an immigrant.

How To Win Friends And Influence People With Immigration Lawyer Kansas City

In Kansas City, an immigration attorney would certainly be helpful to any new arrivals to the country. The Kansas City area has an active population of immigrants from various countries. The opportunities in business and employment are vast, as the labor market in Kansas City is among the most educated in the country. Without proper documentation, you would certainly have a hard time finding a job in Kansas City, but if you have proper documentation such as a green card and an immigration attorney would certainly make the process easier.

If you need legal assistance regarding the immigration laws and requirements for entering the country, contacting an immigration lawyer in Kansas City may be the best way for you to go. An immigration attorney would help you fill out all the forms and paperwork required by the immigration authorities, including a visa application. They can also represent you in any administrative proceedings with the federal government, including visa applications, so that they can handle the paper work for you in a timely manner. When it comes to applying for a visa, having an immigration attorney by your side can mean the difference between approval and being rejected, which is certainly not a pleasant situation to find yourself in.